We are monitoring the situation on a regular basis. At this time, we would expect customers to disclose information regarding outstanding tests/investigations, recent tests/investigations, or symptoms, under the relevant questions on the application form.

We are not changing our questions regarding travel, however if a customer discloses that they have recently travelled to an area of high-risk, or intend to travel to a certain area, then these cases will be postponed. Our current stance would be to postpone for 1 month post travel.

We would expect the customer to disclose Coronavirus under the “Virus” answer, which in turn would refer the case to be manually assessed. If a pre app is received, the guidance is to disclose “Virus”, we would then expect an underwriter to fully assess the customer, and in turn postpone the application for a time of 1 month, and would only then expect a full recovery was made before offering terms.