How the situation may affect you and your clients

Given the current situation with Coronavirus, we wanted to let you know that we’re closely monitoring developments and have plans in place to mitigate any potential disruption to our service.

The health and safety of our colleagues and customers is always our top priority and we are following all safety advice and precautions as recommended by the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care.

At the moment there is no impact on our core business operations and we have the necessary contingency plans in place.

We have a robust business continuity framework in place and we will consider taking action if we need to including flexible, home working and contingency plans for critical processes.

As a precaution, we’ve already taken steps to limit non-essential business travel and inevitably this will impact some local events that we had hoped to support. We will work closely with you in these circumstances to either re-arrange these or share content with you via remote channels like webinars and podcasts.

We will continue to follow updates and guidance provided by the UK Government and health authorities.

We also continue to monitor the impacts on the UK and Global financial markets.

A range of materials is being produced for you and your clients providing long term reassurance as well as highlighting some short term considerations of the current movements in the stock markets.

This is clearly an unprecedented situation and we will aim to keep you informed of any significant changes affecting our ongoing business operations.

We will do whatever we can to support you and your clients at this uniquely difficult time.

As it happens

Find out any updates about the situation on our website.