We would like to inform you of our ongoing assessment and response to the COVID-19 health emergency, and to reassure you that we are operating business as usual, with all our staff now working from home.

Following the government’s announcement on Monday night mandating that people stay at home other than for essential activities, there is now significant disruption to property valuation services with some suppliers withdrawing their services.

Having anticipated this, we have been working on a solution for the past few days which we will be initiating over the next few weeks. Apologies for the disruption this will cause to you and your clients, please bear with us and we will communicate the new process to you as soon as possible.

To help alleviate any concerns you may have about how Covid-19 may impact your cases with us and the impact on your clients, we have developed some frequently asked questions, which we hope will help provide the reassurance you may be looking for.

Our processes in house are being maintained as normal as the majority of staff now have the capability of working from home.

In the meantime if you have any queries please get in touch with your Key Account Manager.