We wrote to you earlier in the week explaining how we’re working to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on our advisers and customers. As the situation changes, we wanted to share some more information, answering some of your questions. Keep an eye on our Covid-19 page for updates.

Can I still get hold of you as normal?

Yes, our telephone business development managers, underwriters and customer service representatives are fully operational and working hard to maintain customer service levels. Please continue to contact them in the usual ways, through email, by phone and web chat.

How can I contact my BDM?

All scheduled meetings with our BDMs will continue to take place, however, we’ll now be making the most of phone or virtual meetings, utilising facetime, Skype and other phone and video conferencing facilities.

You can use our BDM finder to find your local business development manager but any one of our team will be able to help. We’ve also uploaded all our BDM’s contact numbers, here.

Are you offering mortgage payment holidays?

Your customers probably have lots of questions about payment holidays. We’ve put together a list of FAQs where we try to answer some of the most common you’ll face.