If you’ve got any questions, or want to discuss anything below, then contact smesales@wpa.org.uk.

Access to a Specialist

Remote phone/online video consultations with a specialist

Owing to the current coronavirus situation, we are removing the general exclusion from our policies in relation to specialist consultations undertaken via telephone or digital media.  This means that should a customer wish to have a specialist consultation for any condition using the phone or video, this will be covered where it replaces the need for a bona-fide face to face consultation.

Please note this specialist consultation must be pre-authorised with WPA as per all other PMI claims to ensure the condition and specialist are covered under the customer’s policy.

Please note – this is a temporary benefit and we will advise when our rules revert back to the terms within the policy literature.

For more details and FAQs, please visit the WPA website.

Claiming for Coronavirus (C-19)

For specific claiming advice, please contact the relevant WPA customer helpdesk, however here is a brief overview of our position:

Are WPA customers covered in the UK?

In the UK, WPA customers would be covered if they contract the illness, though this is subject to their policy terms.  In most cases if someone contracts coronavirus and require hospitalisation, this will be as an emergency admission into an NHS facility with isolation units.  It is unlikely that treatment will be available in a UK Private Hospital as they are not set up for this.   Note: WPA customers can claim NHS hospital cash benefit for an inpatient stay, subject to their policy cover.  Transferring between NHS and private facilities is unlikely to be an option.

If a customer asks us to fund a private C-19 test, we will do so if:

  • They have symptoms (such as temperature, shortness of breath, etc.) and their GP suggests they are tested for C-19, then we will fund the C-19 test privately (subject to availability and policy benefits).

If the private tests proves positive they will be advised what to do – and the NHS will be notified, so it is likely that they will then be placed under the care/advice of the NHS (such as isolation at home as per NHS guidelines).  However, should they be advised to be hospitalised then emergency admissions to private facilities are excluded by most plans, so the NHS will be the most appropriate place for them to access treatment.

If they DO NOT have symptoms then the test would not be covered.

They would need to contact the normal WPA claim helpline in order to set up the claim in the same way they would for any other claim.