While many of us are working remotely as a matter of necessity, it’s quite likely our current experience will impact the way we work going forward.

Lessons learned now could prove invaluable to all of us and help you build a more robust and sustainable model for both now and in the future.

Where to start

As we celebrated the start of a new decade less than 4 months ago, we’re sure none of us could have predicted by spring we would be facing weeks of lockdown. And for most of us, a completely new discipline of working solely from home.

We thought it’d be useful to share some best practice, hints and tips from people in our industry who have spent many years honing their skills and expertise when working remotely.

Client segmentation

A good place to start is segmenting your client bank. You can target different groups or individuals with different messages by different mediums. There are many ways to do this. If you predominately have protection clients, you might split the client bank into those who have a mortgage, are self-employed or are Limited Company Directors. You might want to split by lifestyle. Clients who are married, have children or are divorced. Another segment might be clients who have been declined due to a medical condition. This could prove invaluable as illness specific covers, such as Royal London’s Diabetes Life Cover, enter the protection market.

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