Lifting restrictions on protection business

With the government beginning to relax lockdown restrictions across the UK, we’re pleased to announce some changes to help you get cover in place for more of your clients.

Improved routine medical limits

We’re now able to offer greater levels of cover to more of your clients. We’ve worked closely with our medical partners to allow us to request more routine medical evidence, including general practitioner reports (GPRs), medical examinations, nurse screenings, and saliva and blood tests.

Where it’s not possible to arrange nurse screenings or medical examinations, or where clients are uncomfortable attending face-to-face appointments, we can look at alternative medical evidence such as a GPR. However, this may restrict the amount of cover we can offer for applications where we need more than one piece of evidence.

You can find full details of our routine medical evidence requirements in our Underwriting limits guide.

This is subject to the following:

  • We’ve not restricted the amount of life protection available, however we’ll have an extra check in place before we request medical evidence for benefit amounts higher than £8 million.
  • We can currently offer a maximum £1 million critical illness cover (£500,000 for clients age 60 and over).
  • The availability of electrocardiogram (ECG) tests continues to be limited.
  • It may not be possible to offer face-to-face appointments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland until government restrictions are relaxed.

Income protection restrictions removed

Due to us having more access to routine medical evidence, we can now also consider more income protection applications.

We recently improved our income protection offering, including adding 2-year benefit payment periods for personal and executive income protection. Visit our website to find out more.

Business as usual for our immediate cover facility

Our immediate cover facility for Business Protection and Relevant Life is available again. This can help you get full cover immediately in place for up to 60 days, while we request any routine medical evidence.

Read our Immediate cover facility factsheet to find out more.

To find out more or discuss availability of cover on a case-by-case basis, please speak to your usual Aegon sales representative or call our pre-submission underwriting helpline on 03457 83 54 73.