We are writing to you in connection with any of your clients whose Home or Landlord Buy-To-Let insurance are held via us, to update you on the position should the insured premises remain unoccupied due to Covid-19.

Insurers recognised that the world changed in March 2020 and that customers’ needs on their insurance cover changed dramatically. Insurers realised that whilst some properties weren’t being lived in, the majority of people would actually be within their homes more frequently, many of whom would be (and may well still be) working from home. Insurers adapted to this and as a result didn’t require clients to advise of such changes in circumstances during the past few months.

However, as a result of some of the measures now being lifted, clients need to consider whether their situation has changed to the extent that the insurer now needs to be made aware. Examples could include:

  • If the property had been occupied before the Covid-19 lockdown but is now unoccupied, for instance:
    • a home where the homeowner has had to move in with a relative to provide care during the lockdown
    • a buy to let where the tenants have vacated
  • and won’t be returning; or
    • a second/weekend home or a holiday let where the property is not currently being used.
  • If the contents sum insured needs to be increased due to additional equipment at home (unless that additional equipment is owned by and insured by their employer)
  • If anyone in the property is working from home
    • and are (or will be) having any business visitors to the property (including work colleagues, customers or suppliers).
If any of the above apply to your clients, please advise, so the insurer can explain any potential restrictions to cover and the steps necessary to be taken to ensure the property is fully insured.