Consider the impact on someone’s financial situation should they be unable to work and be forced to rely on Statutory Sick Pay of £92.85* a week, or if that is not available, family and friends.  For the vast majority, this would represent a significant fall in earnings, and most would struggle to make their mortgage or rent payments, let alone other essential outgoings such as food or heating.

When it comes to sales of Income Protection, one of the most important things to consider is ‘will my claim be paid?’

We have been publishing detailed Claim Statistics for the last decade and consistently reporting over 94% of claims paid out annually.  We believe that it is not the frequency of reporting the results, or in fact the overall figure that is of most importance, but the transparency that is applied and demonstrated to Advisers and their clients that is most valuable.  Having been at the forefront of publishing detailed claim statistics for the last 10 years, we have developed a transparent and accessible way of demonstrating how it reaches its overall percentage of claims paid to provide a deeper understanding and to help Advisers avoid their client’s claims being declined.

Read the full article here