During the recent national lockdown, we saw many insurers extend full cover on policies where the premises were unoccupied due to these measures, whether that been homeowners or business premises. As restrictions are being lifted, most insurers are now looking to apply their normal restrictions on unoccupied premises, even where there may be a local lockdown, such as those seen recently in Leicester and Greater Manchester.

Where you have a client, whether it be a home owner, a business or a property owner, where part or all of the premises being insured is unoccupied, you must advise us in order that we can inform the insurer and confirm any restrictions or additional terms that may apply.

Cyber security risks to consider when the workforce returns

The loosening of lockdown restrictions means additional cyber security concerns for businesses when arranging their homeworkers’ return to the workplace. Whether in relation to company devices that have been off the network for some time (so may not have the most up to date security patches applied); personal devices; unapproved personal applications on work devices; unattended systems; or human error, each create the potential for malware and/or sensitive data loss. We explore each category in detail.