We are all about real life lending, making the unusual cases work for your clients particular needs. This is even more relevant now than it has ever been. So here is a quick reminder of a few key features that our Buy to Let range can offer:

  • We have no minimum income.  We ask for proof of tax status from your clients as this will dictate the ICR.
  • Our team will consider applications for clients who have taken payment deferrals, either out of necessity or precaution.  Each case is assessed individually and there may be additional underwriting requirements.
  • Our ICR starts at 125% for lower rate tax payers and limited companies.  For higher rate tax payers the ICR will start at 140%

For those of you who have been using us already over the last few months you will know that we recently removed the 65% LTV restriction on capital raising – we now lend up to 75% LTV.

Click to find out more about our BTL range and how we can help your clients.