Dr Subashini M. Associate Medical Director, Aviva Health and Protection, reflects on the latest health news and views.

Welcome to my regular round-up, where I share Aviva’s views on topical health issues and how they impact our customers. In this edition I discuss how close the private health sector is to getting back to ‘business as usual’. And, the steps we’re taking to help support and guide your private medical insurance clients to safe, high quality care. This includes booking appointments at hospitals and, if available, directly into the Consultant’s diary.

In July the nationwide contract between the NHS and independent sector providers was scaled back following the COVID-19 pandemic peak. This development has seen many private hospitals increase their capacity to treat patients, often with extended opening hours to enable them to see a higher number of private patients, more quickly.

Since this change, we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of claims for private medical treatment. Assuming COVID-19 infection levels and hospital admissions are controlled, we expect to see claims continue to rise as more facilities open more services to private patients over the next weeks and months.

The announcement that the contract ended for Central London private providers on 8th September will further increase availability.

Our number one priority during this time is customer safety. That’s why we’ve introduced initiatives like ‘Aviva Assurance’ to capture each provider’s operational processes related to COVID-19. These help us understand whether appropriate protocols are being followed to provide treatment in a safe environment.

In conjunction with the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN) and the Association of British Insurers (ABI), the hospitals share weekly situation reports and consultant trackers. These help us to identify which services are available and which consultants are able to see our customers. This is fed directly into our front line systems so that our claims teams can help customers better understand the situation and make informed choices based on their personal choice and circumstances.

We’ve also enhanced our claim support by introducing a specially trained team to help and guide customers to relevant treatment providers. They can also book appointments at hospitals and, if available, directly into the Consultant’s diary. All of these activities are overseen by our in-house clinical experts. Find out how we’re supporting your clients below.

We’re proud of the way the entire market – insurers, providers, intermediaries and stakeholders in the private sector, have come together through this period of uncertainty. The pandemic has changed the face of both public and private healthcare forever. And, it’s going to take time to find a new ‘normal’. As the health industry continues to navigate its way through the situation, there may be occasions where a client with a specific condition or in a specific location has their treatment postponed to help ensure their safety and the safety of their care givers. Clients may question why they can’t have their treatment if they see their local hospital is open. However, sometimes it’s not just about the availability of a physical ‘bed.’