What we’ve been up to this month

October is nearly over – doesn’t time fly? This month we’re sharing our survey results, a short video about same day offers and two of our BDM’s share their thoughts on the mortgage market. Plus, find out how you could help a cause close to your heart receive a £1,000 donation – read on to find out more.

What’s new

Time is running out

It’s the final call for your Community Giving nomination! You have until 5pm on Friday 30 October to nominate your chosen housing or homelessness cause for one of our 40 £1,000 donations. Find out more.

Food for thought

What do mortgages and cheeseburgers have in common? Jon Rawley, one of our BDMs, talks about finding a balanced diet when it comes to lender appetite. Find out more.

Trying to buy first time

We know that getting onto the property ladder is exciting, but no easy feat. Discover what Joe Wall, one of our BDMs, has to say about some of the dilemmas and possible options for today’s first-time buyers. Read Joe’s thoughts.

And our survey says…

We asked brokers how they felt about the impact of COVID-19. Now we’re releasing our findings and Paul Fenn, our Director of Business Development, shares his views too. Discover the results.

Winter Webinar series

Our BDMs, Rachael Hunnisett and Natalie Brown, are hosting weekly webinars, featuring special guests from Skipton Intermediaries, throughout November and December. Keep an eye on Skipton Intermediaries LinkedIn page or speak to your local BDM for details on how to sign up.

Get an offer on the same day

Why wait longer for an offer? Watch our video for some quick tips on how you could receive a day one offer.

We’re here for you

Keep up to date on our turnaround times, use our quick Web Chat service and get your phone calls answered within 2 minutes*

*Based on previous working day. Check our service levels.

Product update

Don’t miss our recent product updates, including changes to our Residential and Buy to Let ranges. View our latest range.

If you’d like to talk to us in the meantime, you can contact us in the usual ways, via web chat or email us at bdmsupport@skipton.co.uk.