Simply refer three cases to The Right Loan during November that all go on to complete, and you will receive a £100 wine voucher.

Start referring todayTerms and conditions apply. View full details here >

74% of adviser respondents to a recent survey conducted by L&G Mortgage Club stated that they do not offer second charge mortgages.

Are you one of the 74% who are missing out on this significant income stream?

Don’t worry – all is not lost! You still have the chance to boost your business levels as we move into next year.

It’s expected that the housing market will slow down in 2021, following the loss of schemes such as Help to Buy and the Stamp Duty holiday, but the second charge market is set to take off as demand increases from customers who want to release capital from their home.

Did you know?

In the 12 months ending Q1 2020, 1 in 393 adults became insolvent**. The Right Loan may be able to assist a client who has previously had an IVA or is looking to repay an existing one. Please do get in touch to find out more.