The 90% LTV 5 year discount product is available for purchases within the North-West with no scheme fee.  The product is available now at an interest rate of 3.60% (a discount of 1.64% from our 5.24% SVR rate).

Clare Mahood, Head of Products and Marketing said: “We are very keen to support our local community and hope that our new North West mortgage will help more people in the area, move into the home that they dream of.”

Also available, across the UK, is a 2 year discount 80% LTV product.  The mortgage has an interest rate of 2.45% (a 2.79% discount from our 5.24% SVR rate).

Julie Goodwin, Head of Business Development comments: “From working with the broker community, we know that the 80% LTV, 2 year discount is one of the most sought after products.  We’re delighted to offer 80% LTV lending again and look forward to working with brokers to offer this product to their clients.”