How would you feel if your client wasn’t covered by the critical illness cover you recommended?

We don’t like it either. That’s why we’re taking the focus away from the name of the condition and concentrating on the impact it has on your client’s life.

We’ve consolidated over 20 conditions into four groups. These groups focus on the impact of a customer’s medical situation, or a specific surgery, not just the name of a condition. Because it’s simple to explain and easy for your clients to understand. The result for customers:

  • Broader coverage
    Multiple conditions in each group
  • Fairer outcomes
    If the impact is the same, the customer will be covered, whatever the name of the condition
  • Keeps pace
    Cover that keeps pace with new medical developments

For more information about our new critical illness cover, please see our new product guide.

Find out everything you need to know about how our grouped conditions make for better customer outcomes by watching our animation. We’re at the other end of the phone if you’d like more information about what’s new with AIG’s critical illness cover.

Find out more today