It’s time for this weeks instalment of our new lending criteria updates, with our new affordability changes.

We’re excited to introduce the following changes to our affordability:

  • A new and improved affordability calculator launched with enhancements made to the ONS figures used for applicants expenditure.
  • Key changes to working affordability including an enhanced income multiplier for high earners that are earning £75k or more (up to 5.5x)
  • We are now accepting income from directors that no longer play an active role within a company but continue to receive income in retirement.
  • Increases in % of shift allowance that the Society can take for certain roles – up to 100%.
  • 100% of BTL rental profit can now be used to support affordability – average of the last 2 years tax calculations used.

The full details of our criteria are available here on the website and in our latest blog.

As we continue to introduce our lending criteria changes throughout January, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team who can help with any questions you may have on 0330 123 1073 or