Michael Payne has decided to stand down as AMII General Secretary with effect from 1st January 2021 to concentrate his efforts on other business and personal commitments.

Michael was one of the 22 founder Intermediary members who joined the Association when it was set up as the Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries in 1998, before the change in our Constitution allowed Insurers and Providers of healthcare services to join as Corporate Members of the AMII we know today.

As well as being a founder member Michael has served as the General Secretary of AMII since 2009.

Your Executive Committee and I have moved quickly to appoint Emma Chapman as Interim General Secretary, ensuring there is continuity in this key administrative role of the Association.

Emma will be known to many of you from her work at The Campaign Partnership, who have supported us in arranging our key conferences and events, including the Health & Wellbeing Summit.

She comes with strong event management and administration credentials which we believe will prove invaluable to the Association. I know you will want to welcome Emma and wish her well in her role as General Secretary.

If the last couple of weeks are anything to go by she has certainly hit the ground running!

Emma can be contacted at emma.chapman@amii.org.uk or by telephone on 07775 941668. Our address for communication becomes: PO Box 408, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 9FQ with immediate effect.

Michael has been working closely with Emma since late December to ensure there is a smooth hand over of responsibilities.

I know you will want to join me in thanking Michael for his contribution to the Association over many years and to also wish him and his family all the best for the future.

Best wishes,

Stuart Scullion
Executive Chairman