Our spring webinars are now available to watch on-demand on the Skipton Talks Hub and our YouTube channel (have you subscribed yet?). Thousands of you registered to join the live discussions on topics that ranged from changing customer expectations to inclusivity and this is a great chance to see them again.

>>>Watch our webinars at the Skipton Talks hub.

Coming soon

You scored our spring series 4.7/5 for relevance and gave us some great feedback too, which we’re using to help shape the summer webinars we’re working on right now.

In your words

Your feedback means a lot to us, so we’ll leave you with a few of our favourite comments from the spring series and a note from your host.

“Great work and thanks for this content, which, even as someone with over 25 years’ experience, proved very informative.” Simon Cutler

“During lockdown… you’ve been the only lender to show commitment to brokers with these helpful, informative, up to date and relevant webinars.” Chris Hurley

“Thank you. Entertaining as well as informative!” Lisa Johnston

“They are relevant, well presented with a great balance of professionalism and humour and tackle real life scenarios rather than simple textbook.” Sarah Heath

Rachael Hunnisett, Host & Business Development Manager

“It was an absolute delight to host the spring webinars. Over 3,100 of you registered across the five-part series, so thank you for joining us. We’re now reading through all your suggestions and feedback for the summer series and we’ll be in touch with the details really soon.”