Good intermediary service traditionally meant phones answered quickly, smooth underwriting and prompt payment of proc fees, but it goes much wider now. The main catalyst for this evolution is the increased role of technology.

Reduce the queues

At HSBC UK, we know you as brokers don’t want to be hanging on hold to a lender for an answer to a simple question. A smarter approach to delivering a great service includes helping you get the information you need without having to phone us.

Better for brokers

We want to help you get answers to straightforward questions as efficiently as possible.

Here’s how HSBC UK can help:

  • Products and criteria – online and updated in real time. We’ll also contact you with product changes with as much notice as possible.
  • Online case tracking – that really works! So you shouldn’t need to call for updates. Our system lets you see the case move through each stage of processing, including when the required documents have been submitted and satisfied. You can also see when the valuation has been instructed and completed.
  • Live Chat – quicker than a phone call in most cases and operated by experts who can give you comprehensive answers and you’ll still get all the help you need.
  • AVMs and Desktop valuations – less physical valuations so more valuations are completed at point of sale and we also no longer insist on certified copies of original documents.
  • Modelled Data – minimise the need for supporting documentation.
  • Telephone Support – tech is a great enabler but at HSBC UK we recognise that professional service is a people business so we have invested heavily to provide more frontline colleagues to deal with your enquiries. Our Broker Support Helpdesk is also open 9am-5pm five days a week, for when you have a more complex question that can’t be answered online.

We know tech won’t be a complete standalone solution just yet, but as it evolves it improves the overall experience.

Smarter tech spreads the workload and therefore it frees-up the phone lines, so when you really need to speak to someone, it’s quicker and easier and we can dedicate more time to helping you. It also means you don’t need to be tied to the hours our phone lines are operational and your case admin can be done out of office hours, at a convenient time that fits with your work/life balance.

This should wholeheartedly be about lenders improving service by finding pressure points that can be better managed automatically. As a result, our colleagues spend more time on those queries that need a human touch, and plenty still do.

As technology evolves to do more of the heavy lifting on processing, lenders who continue to invest in their people will be able to give you a more personal and professional service, just like the service you provide your customer’s with every day.

Further information

Talk to us using Live Chat, call our Broker Support Team on 0345 600 5847 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or contact your local BDM.