Exploding bird seed, falling bathtubs and lightning striking twice –  the weird home insurance claims that actually paid out

You know home insurance provides vital protection for your clients’ homes and possessions, but every now and again, something truly bizarre happens to highlight just how important it is; here are some of the weirder but successful claims of the last few years..

Exploding bird seed
A couple who had an aviary in their garage were nearly blasted out of bed when the container they kept their birds’ seed in spontaneously combusted!

Falling bath
A family in Yorkshire got a bit of a shock when their bath fell straight through the floor into their living room! A slow leak had caused the floorboards to perish.

Phone up a cow’s rear end
A farmer lost his phone inside one of his cows while he was calving. It was dark and he was using the phone as a torch – he found the phone but couldn’t turn it on again!

Phone and custard
One woman made a successful claim after she dropped her phone in a bowl of custard; it wouldn’t work again after its sweet soaking!

Lightning does strike twice
They say lightning never strikes twice, but one poor couple’s home was hit twice by lightning and then damaged by hailstones the size of golf balls!

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