It is time to say ‘yes’ to even the most ‘non-standard’ of non-standard properties

Non-standard home insurance has got a bad reputation amongst brokers – there is an assumption that finding the right policy will be complicated and time-consuming and involve hours waiting in insurers’ call centre queues before being told ‘we’ll call you back’. It is no wonder so many brokers don’t bother.

But it doesn’t have to be like that. Thanks to Ceta’s Infinity platform – exclusively for brokers – getting non-standard property insurance quotes has never been easier. We have access to a panel of specialist insurers and manage more than 30 non-standard risks, meaning we can say yes when others say no. In fact, we can boast a 94% digital quotability rate for non-standard insurance.
But that 6%, it was bothering us.

We were frustrated by the fact that, those few cases that didn’t fit our system had to be referred back. They were taken out of our hands, and into the hands of the insurers’ underwriters, who  – given the volume of referrals they were handling – could take days, even weeks to come back,  leaving the broker thinking ‘I knew I shouldn’t have bothered with non-standard…’

So we decided to do something about it… introducing Isaac Robinson, our new B2B Household Specialist who is here to make brokers lives easier, even on the most ‘non-standard’ of non-standard cases!

Isaacs’s role is to look at those few cases that don’t quite fit the system and make the underwriting himself instead of having to pass back to the insurer. This means that rather than waiting three days for a call from the insurer, brokers will be waiting less than an hour for a response directly from us.

This is a huge step forward and means we are able to say yes almost every time. Plus, we will be using every case where digital quotability is not possible to inform our systems, improve our data collection and keep pushing towards that 100%.

So, brokers, don’t be put off by non-standard, or even ‘non-standard’ non-standard property insurance, because we really can help you say ‘yes’ to the homeowner that has only ever heard ‘no’.