Not registered with Metro Bank?

As a registered broker, you will have access to our full range of mortgage products, services and flexible approach to consider applicants on a case by case basis. We are currently underwriting fully packaged cases within 48 hours and answering calls to the broker helpdesk in less than 60 seconds.

To register online and gain access to our online portal, simply click here.

Why brokers use Metro Bank

  • NEW – Self-employed – profit before taxation plus directors remuneration can now be used. An average is taken over the last 2 years if 100% of shareholders are on the mortgage and sustainability of the business can be confirmed.
  • 95% LTV Residential mortgage 2, 3 & 5 year fixed rates from 3.49% – purchase and pound for pound re-mortgage, available on flats and houses, maximum loan size of £675,000
  • Joint borrower, sole proprietor on both Residential and Buy to Let – only where the additional borrower(s) is a close family relative, up to 4 applicants with all 4 incomes considered
  • Near Prime products for customers with a less than perfect credit profile and/or low credit score
  • Up to 5.5 times income multiple for professionals and high earning customers through our Professional Range
  • Enhanced contractor and fixed term contract worker policy, On-shore umbrella contractors are acceptable
  • Second homes up to 85% LTV – Airbnb accepted up to 90 days per annum
  • Buy to Let5 year fixed stress test is 4.0% at 140% of the mortgage interest amount calculated, maximum age is 85, top slicing from earned income accepted to support Buy to Let applications
  • Furlough accepted up to 80% loan to value
  • We use 50% Bonus/Commission/Overtime from the last years P60

Please note: Applications for 90% & 95% LTV products may be withdrawn at short notice. For full details, please refer to our Mortgage Lending Criteria Guide and Product Guides.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need support, please get in touch with your BDM or call our Broker helpdesk on 0203 427 1019. To find your nearest BDM, please click here.