Welcome to the latest issue from Health Assured

Bringing you all the latest business news and developments from Health Assured

Webinar: Winter Wellbeing

This month we talk about winter wellbeing. We go through how to manage Seasonal Affective Disorder, understanding what happy chemicals are & how to manage your mental health & wellbeing this winter.

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How to raise awareness of AIDs in the workplace

The 1st of December marks World Aids Day, which aims to support people living with HIV and educate about what…

How to prevent workplace bullying

According to CIPD research, 15% of employees in the UK have been victims of workplace bullying in the past three years.

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My Healthy Advantage &
BrightTV live webinars
Our in-house experts will showcase the features of our industry-leading wellbeing app My Healthy Advantage and preview our video series Bright TV.

There’s just 2 webinars left for 2021, so get booked in now!

Your exclusive monthly download

Download this month’s unique asset on the topic of Grief Awareness Week and how you can take action.