Vitality’s Serious Illness Cover covers significantly more conditions than any other provider and stays in place for longer.

What do a 25-year-old male suffering from Crohn’s disease, a 35-year-old female diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism and a 32-year-old male who experience a detached retina all have in common? Simple. They all received a Serious Illness Cover payment for a condition that isn’t paid by any other provider in the market.

As verified by Defaqto, Vitality Serious Illness Cover covers all heart attacks, strokes and more cancers1 – and significantly more conditions2 – than any other insurer.

We unpack five interesting facts about a product which provides comprehensive severity-based coverage designed to stay in place for longer.

Read our ‘Five things you might not know about Serious Illness Cover’ article here.

  1. Defaqto verified Competitor Comparisons, November 2021.
  2. Vitality Claims & Benefits report 2021