We are pleased to announce that following a review of our portfolio in Europe and the UK, we have applied our lowest ever premium increase.

From 1st April 2022, premiums will increase by 6.75% which is below the average worldwide rate of medical inflation and which reflects both improved claims performance and also a more focussed portfolio of lower claiming individuals.

There have been no benefit changes from April 2022 and a few minor policy wording changes for clarity of wording; these are detailed on the Important Changes document that will be uploaded with all the other literature over the next few days.

In addition, we understand that following the UK exit from the EU, many clients have suffered banking charges when claims payments are made from the UK.  From 1st March 2022 we have implemented an EU based claims payment process which should see these charges removed or at least reduced.

In this uncertain time and following the worlds emergence from the Covid 19 pandemic we would like to thank you for continuing to support us.  We are looking forward to continuing to work with you and will be bringing other innovative ideas to the EU market over the next few months.

We will be in touch when these are ready for market.