Here’s a selection of some of the most read recent articles on Fast Fast Forward, AXA XL’s online platform for commentary, news and tools on risk. But don’t stop here, there’s more good reading on the site!

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Climate risks are at the top of companies’ agenda. As companies respond not only to the changing severity of some extreme weather events on their own businesses, but also to the global requirements of reducing carbon emissions, climate change has regained its position as the top ranked risk for European companies, leapfrogging pandemic and cyber risk. What role can risk managers play in helping their companies address climate risk? François Lanavère, Head of Business Development at AXA Climate, and Stéphane Gobet, Client & Distribution Leader for AXA XL in France, discuss the opportunity and the opportunity for risk managers to play a part in this effort

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New ways of working: Digital tools add value to large and complex claims 

Remote claims technology is helping make claims handling faster and more flexible, according to Brian Weifu Yang, Claims Practice Leader, Property & Construction, Asia and Guillermo Hoces Hurtado, First Party Team Leader, Spain.

The insurance industry has long been digitising its claims offering, using drones and virtual surveys to assess claims remotely, and artificial intelligence to streamline processes. However, the pandemic has given digitalisation a boost, with greater awareness of the benefits and more acceptance of technology.

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Shoring up Marine protection: Keeping subcontractor business afloat in a sea of risks

Hiring, contracts, accidents, losses – liability within the marine subcontracting industry is rampant. As post-pandemic work demands increase, so does the likelihood that a subcontractor will experience loss.

There are plenty of factors that are feeding that particular beast. Labor shortages, lax hiring practices, and the rush to sign contracts have increased the claims activity for many subcontractors. With some due diligence at the outset, however, subcontractors can alleviate many loss exposures, even in a competitive market.

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