When your client takes Vitality Life and Serious Illness Cover together, we set up a Plan Account for them and these benefits become linked in an important way that provides a key advantage over a typical critical Illness plan – it creates the ability for clients to claim multiple times, where they would’ve otherwise been uninsured and most likely uninsurable if they had cover with another insurer.

That’s because Vitality’s cover is designed to cater for multiple claim payouts with our unique Plan Account. The amount of Life Cover and Serious Illness Cover your client has and the amount of benefit they could receive are linked to their Plan Account.

To help you illustrate the benefits of our Plan Account we’ve created an interactive tool – try the tool.

To find out more about Vitality’s Plan Account watch their 60 second explainer video, download their Plan Account sales aid or contact your dedicated Vitality Business Consultant – if you are unsure of your Business Consultant visit here.