We would like to inform you that with effect from 13/06/2022 State Bank of India (UK) Ltd will be making the following changes to our range of Buy to Let Mortgage Products.

Standard BTL/Green Standard BTL

  • 3 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.10% at 60% LTV
  • 3 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.15% at 70% LTV
  • 3 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.25% at 75% LTV

Specialist BTL/Green Specialist BTL

  • 2 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.10% at 60% LTV
  • 2 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.15% at 70% LTV
  • 2 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.25% at 75% LTV


  • 2 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.10% at 60% LTV
  • 2 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.15% at 70% LTV

Ex-Pat BTL/Green Ex-Pat BTL 

  • 2 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.10% at 60% LTV
  • 2 & 5-year fixed rates increased by 0.25% at 75% LTV

Please ensure that all applications that form part of the existing product range are submitted by 5pm 13/06/2022.    

Any full applications received after 13/06/2022 will only be accepted for the new rates.    

State Bank of India (UK) Ltd continues to offer a wide range of products to support your Buy to Let clients so that they can take advantage of.

“We are very busy with increased volumes & all staff working hard to deliver strong level of service but new business processing is taking longer than usual and we would ask that before submitting any new applications that you carefully check the following;

  • Application fully completed
  • Correct inputting of all details
  • Fully packaged cases with correct documents uploaded – we have checklist on our website

Incorrectly completed & wrong information is impacting on our ability to deliver the high level of service you would expect, and we would politely request that extra care is taken to ensure all information is accurate and correct.”

For full details of the new product range please visit our website: https://sbiuk.statebank/intermediariesor see the product guide attached to this email.

If you have any questions, please contact your BDM/Branch Manager https://sbiuk.statebank/contact-sbi