You might have noticed Accord’s picked up an award or two this year. We’re feeling pretty chuffed about that. It’s not that we wanted the trophies – though you couldn’t prise them off us with a crow-bar – it’s all about you.

We started the year with a mission, to win more business from more brokers. We knew we had a lot to change and here are just a few things we’ve delivered:

  • Underwriters that you can talk to whenever we’re open – and your case is handled by just one of them from start to finish.
  • A common sense approach to criteria – plus we’ve given our underwriters flexibility with our policy for the right cases.
  • Increased new business procuration fee (residential) and launched proc fees for transfers (BTL fee coming soon).
  • Interest only repayment for new business customers
  • Improved affordability and increase in instant AIP accepts.

All this and more means we can help you make more of your clients happy – and that’s gaining us awards and recognition everywhere we turn.

If you’ve not done business with us for a while – or perhaps ever, find out what you’re missing, call our Business Development Advisers for a chat:

0345 1 200 866 – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm