Product Transfer offers at the click of a button

We know it makes life so much easier when you can get what you need at the click of a button. That’s why we’re really pleased to let you know we’ve improved the online process when applying for your clients product transfer.

When you apply online for a straight-switch product transfer, you’ll be able to download the offer at the click of a button. And we no longer need clients to sign any paperwork and send it back to us.

The new paperless process means you can now get a lending decision, and access all the relevant documentation, whilst you’re with your client. And remember we pay a 0.30% proc fee when the case completes.  And because we don’t need affordability assessments, valuations or credit checks for straightforward mortgage product switches, it makes the application process as-easy-as possible for existing customers. And we’ve also removed the need for you to submit a Disclosure of Authority form for your clients.