Over three million Brits missed a payment during the last couple of years, and the total number of people with adverse credit is about twice that. That’s a big – and growing – chunk of the adult population that isn’t being served by the mainstream mortgage industry.

We believe this market – about 12% of the adult population – deserves a chance at home ownership, or a decent remortgage deal. And our flexible, responsive approach means we can help you to help them, delivering a potentially massive boost to your business.

We’ve just published an in-depth research report on adverse credit, what it means for your potential customers, and what you can do about it.

It tells you:

  • Why millions of Brits have no idea what their credit score is
  • What triggers adverse credit in the eyes of lenders
  • Why the problem hits the young and self-employed the hardest
  • How specialists like The Mortgage Lender are best equipped to serve this growing market.

You can read our report now!
