Paymentshield have launched a brand-new feature allowing you to requote your expired pending polices quickly and easily.

The latest enhancement means, that with the click of a button, you can open the old expired quote and it pre-populates all the previously entered data. All you need to do, is check it’s still up to date, before getting a brand-new quote for your customer.

This latest feature allows you to have peace of mind, that even if you’re away from the office, especially during the summer months, you can leave the policy to expire and quickly re-quote on your return.

Similarly, with new houses taking longer to complete, if you quoted at the start your client’s journey, the policy could go out of date and with this new enhancement it’s easy to get the ball rolling again.

Paymentshield’s Proposition Director Louise Pengelly comments:

“Requoting is one of those tasks that can create a lot of unnecessary work for advisers and when it comes to pending policies, we know it’s a common frustration. Moving dates, for example, often slip, which can take an existing quote for a pending policy beyond the validity period. We know that requoting a policy can take up to 15 minutes. That’s time of specialist labour spent simply re-entering details onto a platform when that time could have been put to better use elsewhere.

“When we first launched the Adviser Hub in 2018, we did it with the intention of setting new standards in the way intermediaries work with GI advisers – we’re now proud to say that we are offering an improvement that delivers on those exact intentions.”

Adviser Hub already provides a level of service you can’t get anywhere else, for example we’re already unique in enabling policies to be submitted with missing information such as bank details or a start date.