We have a new Coronavirus Hub on our website.

The hub address is www.aegon.co.uk/coronavirus.html . There is a dedicated Protection section within the FAQs.

Since my last update, we’ve made the following changes:

  • Our claims line is open. For everything else, please email us or use our online services.
  • We’ve updated the medical evidence question to highlight that we’re no longer requesting this at all, to help ease pressure on GPs.
  • We’ve added a new question set about Coronavirus.
  • We’re temporarily suspending our Business Protection Immediate Cover Facility, as we’re no longer requesting medical evidence.

Contact points:

Claims: claims@aegon-service.co.uk

Underwriting: protect_underwriting@aegon-service.co.uk

General enquiries: protect_support@aegon-service.co.uk

Important: Please note that there’s no guarantee that any email sent will be received or that it will remain private during internet transmission. So, you should avoid sending us any personal or confidential information this way. If you decide to send information in this way, you are doing so at your own risk.