Are there any changes to medical screening for both the applicant and examinee?

We will be asking all clients if they have been to a high risk area in the last few weeks, or been in contact with a confirmed case / deemed at risk. If so, we will delay the appointment. We have also asked our medical examiners if they’ve been to high risk areas. If yes, they are not to provide any appointments for 2 weeks after their return. There are no other changes to our underwriting stance at present.

What is your stance for paying out especially for self-employed customers with IP? For example, some providers pay on self-isolation if evidence can be provided for travel to the affected areas.

Our IP contracts have a minimum deferred period of 4 weeks. Hence, we are not expecting to see any IP claims due to self-isolation. If someone does contract the virus, we would not expect them to be off work for more than the 4 week deferred period, but if they are, they would be assessed like any other IP claim.

Is a pandemic excludable on new and/or existing IP and TPD cases?

We will not impose any exclusion specific to the Coronavirus. If there is a valid claim, we will pay.