Launched as a simple, affordable and essential personal protection product, there are some circumstances where Key3 Critical Illness Insurance is also ideal for business protection too, namely sole trader and shareholder / partner protection.

To help you understand the ways in which Key3 can help your clients who require business protection, take a look at our new Key3 as business protection sales aid.

Our Technical Sales Consultant has also highlighted in our newest blog post why the characteristics of Key3 make it arguably the most appropriate type of insurance to support shareholder protection.

Meet Derek Spencer who is part of AIG’s fictional Spencer family*. He is a 50% shareholder of a regional independent financial advisory firm worth £1M.

Help your clients understand the ways in which Key3 could be perfect for shareholder protection by sharing with them Derek Spencer’s story.

To discuss this further, please call our Sales team on 0345 600 6829.

*The Spencers are a fictional family. All names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.