We know that you’re doing as much as you can to help your clients. We wanted to let you know of a few changes we’ve made this week, designed to support your clients during this uncertain time.

Flexible policy requests

We are receiving calls from many customers facing financial hardship, who are looking for ways to reduce their monthly outgoings. From today, your individual and business protection clients will be able to request a reduction to their premium, and sum assured or monthly benefit, for a six month period. We hope this will give customers the flexibility they need, and help to keep as many of your clients protected as possible.

Smart Health prescription delivery service

All customers insured with AIG Life Limited now have the option for their private prescription medicine to be delivered to their front door. Our new Smart Health prescription delivery service provides next day delivery nationwide and same day delivery in London, meaning customers can access the prescription medicine they need, without leaving their homes.

Here for customers

Our customer hub contains all the information your clients need about flexible policy requests and the Smart Health prescription delivery service. It also includes FAQs about all of our individual protection products.

Here for advisers

If you have any questions about the announcements above, please get in touch with our team of Protection Consultants.

0345 600 6829