If your clients want to expand their buy to let portfolio, then Castle Trust –recently appointed to the The Right Mortgage and Protection Network panel – offers a unique solution.

The Solution

Castle Trust products have no monthly payments and products are available on a first or second charge basis.

When using our products on a second charge basis, it means there is no need to disturb the existing loan. And because there are no monthly payments, it means there is no additional stress test and so gives advisers a clever alternative to a remortgage and a great way of helping clients expand their buy to let portfolios.

Product Overview

  • There are no monthly payments. Instead clients can choose a fixed rate that is rolled up to redemption.
  • Alternatively, clients can link their repayment amount to any growth in the Halifax House Price Index (subject to a Minimum Repayment Amount) – or combine that with a fixed rate.
  • There are no upper age limits
  • No minimum income requirements
  • Loan terms between 2 & 5 years
  • Large loans available
  • We lend on single properties and portfolios
  • Loans are available on HMOs
  • We lend to Expats and Limited Companies

Find out more about these unique solutions for your buy to let clients.

You can also speak to one of the team by contacting 0845 2410252