No doubt you’ve seen in the news how the NHS has undergone intense strain following the festive period.

It’s made PMI a hot topic. And given the recent improvements we’ve made to our PMI plans, there’s never been a better time to recommend APRIL UK to your new or existing clients.

Here are the highlights of our recent pricing reductions.


CPME Pricing Reductions

CPME pricing is now 33.33% cheaper on our individual plans, and 20% cheaper on our SME plans.


Regional Pricing Reductions

On top of CPME pricing reductions, we’ve also made our PMI plans more competitive in specific regions.

Our plans are now up to 15% cheaper in Scotland and 30% cheaper in Northern Ireland.


5% discount for annual payers

Clients who choose to pay their premiums annually can now benefit from a 5% discount, offering even better value.


Don’t miss out on these competitive reductions

You can find more information on our improved PMI products in our literature library.

And if you have any queries, please contact your Broker Development Manager or the Broker Support Team on 0800 073 5330.