Although most sports are seasonal, the APRIL UK Personal Accident Plan gives you the opportunity to gain new business all year round.  How?

Simply because it covers injuries from winter sports, football, rugby, cricket, hockey, and netball.

From August to May, thousands of football, rugby, netball, and hockey matches are played.  And during the off season the cricket takes place. This means there’s a high risk of injury, to thousands of sportspeople, all year round.

You have the chance to turn those people into clients by helping them get personal accident cover.

Thousands of potential clients

You know how much time and effort it takes to gain leads and new business.  It’s hard work, and sometimes the rewards don’t quite match the work put in.

But with the APRIL UK Personal Accident Plan you are already at an advantage.  A simple internet search will allow you to get the contact details of any sports club across the country.

And since popular British sports span over the year, there’s always a relevant prospect for you to contact and introduce to the concept of personal accident cover.

Leads all year round

Like many brokers, you may get quiet periods in your calendar.

Some months tend to be quieter than others for various reasons.  Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about it.

That’s where the APRIL UK Personal Accident Plan allows you to build and convert leads throughout the year – with no downtime or quiet periods.

Because it includes some of Britain’s most popular sports, you will always have the opportunity to contact football, rugby, cricket, hockey, or netball clubs to see if they are interested in personal accident cover.

Find out more by visiting the APRIL UK intermediary website today.