Our Bespoke service gives you access to loans up to £2.5 million. As long as your client meets our five golden rules our underwriters will take a common sense approach. They’ll assess everyone as an individual whether they are employed, self employed or receive variable pay.

How can we help your clients?

We can help many types of clients looking for a large loan, these include:

  • Company directors by using retained net profits rather than salary and dividends
  • Clients who need flexibility around payments. For example we can offset payments from savings, foreign income, grandparents, trust funds, etc
  • Clients with complex company structures, or those with large bonuses.
What are the loan value limits?

  • £1.5 million at 90% LTV
  • £2 million at 85% LTV
  • £2.25 million at 80% LTV
  • £2.5 million at 75% LTV

Take a look at the below case studies of how we’ve successfully helped applicants with large loans:

Application for loan of £1,800,000 at 75% LTV

  • The applicant held a senior position in a large bank and was paid a large income as well as bonuses. The size of loan they wanted wouldn’t have been possible under our standard loan terms.
  • When reviewing the case we were happy to include the average of 100% of their bonuses during the previous two years as part of the total assessable income, even though the bonuses varied each year. This was due to the applicant’s track record of bonuses at a similar level in previous years, demonstrating a sustainable source of income.

Application for loan of £1,249,500 – 85% LTV

  • One of the applicants had only recently become self-employed; less than two years ago. Their company was in the same industry they had previously been employed in.
  • When asked they were able to provide evidence that the company was performing well, even though it was relatively new. We therefore used one year’s finalised accounts and the latest year’s NPAT and salary for our income assessment to achieve the loan amount required.
To see how we’ve helped even more clients, view our case studies.

How do I access Bespoke? 

  • Contact your BDM
  • You won’t be able to see our large loan products on sourcing systems. Your BDM will talk you through how to submit the AIP. AIP decisions are within 24 hours
  • Your case will be dealt with by the same underwriter until completion.

For more information, speak to your BDM today.