Subject Line: Kent Reliance for Intermediaries: Are your case submissions in tip top condition?

Here at Kent Reliance for Intermediaries our underwriting team have years of experience under their belt and have a ‘look to lend’ mindset. As one of our partners, we want to support you in submitting your cases, so we can get the best outcome for the client.

We’ve also upgraded our broker portal to make it easier for you to submit applications to us.

Our checklist explains the minimum document requirements we need to make an initial underwriting decision. To enable us to underwrite your case as quickly as possible, please ensure you’ve uploaded the required items when you submit your application.

Here are some of our best tips to help you get the application right first time:

  1. Tell us a story. We’re humans too, and explaining any anomalies or conflicting/complex information helps us build the picture and validate the scenario. E.g. you could explain credit blips, gifted deposits, and multiple allowances on income etc.
  2. Avoid us having to generate an additional credit search. Check that the information you key into the system is correct E.g. spelling, details aren’t all in capitals etc.
  3. Check dates of birth – we’ve minimum/maximum age restrictions and this affects credit search results and incorrect dates of birth generate additional credit searches
  4. Check address history – we require a three-year address history; please ensure there are no gaps in the dates
  5. If the applicant is capital raising for debt consolidation, add these into the notes section of the application, so the underwriter assessing your case can ensure they don’t deduct commitments that are to be repaid
  6. Check the income keyed corresponds with the evidence you provide
  7. Key correct National Insurance numbers – incorrect numbers create a fraud alert against your client
  8. If we’ve already pre-agreed or discussed your case, please add a note confirming details of when it was agreed, and with whom
  9. Uploading documents – always make sure you’ve added the documents required – see our checklist as we can’t give you a firm decision without sight of the essential documents

If you have any questions, please speak to your senior business development manager or call 01634 835791 to speak to someone from our broker liaison team and we’ll work together to get the best outcome.

Login to our broker portal to start submitting your case today.