The changing face of today’s older borrower and how you can help shape their future.

Our research clearly shows the attitudes of over 50s are changing and perhaps unsurprisingly many hate the idea of getting older and don’t want to be told what to do when it comes to giving up work.

Later life just isn’t what it used to be and it’s about time brands recognised that. For too long this market has been served up the tired trope of the cardigan clad grandpa but we know this isn’t representative of our customers.

It’s our hope that by sharing our research it will allow the brokers we work with to have different conversations with customers who are later in life. Perhaps to consider a new over 50 customer and work with them in a different way.

As the retirement age increases these customers will need different things from our products. We will all, brokers and lenders alike, have to adapt to continue supporting this evolving market. At Hodge, we’re also committed to undertaking expansive and thorough research which we hope will help us create innovative products in the specialist lending space. You can read our Tired of Retirement whitepaper here.