We have been working hard to overcome a range of issues regarding the challenges of carrying out physical valuations given the social distancing restrictions in light of Covid19. During this period, as physical valuations are currently not possible, we are confident we will be able to offer Remote Valuations across our products for both Initial and Additional Borrowing for the Lifestyle Flexible Option and Lifestyle Lump Sum Max products, subject to certain criteria about the property being met.

Full details of our Lending Criteria and application form requirements will be shared in a further update. However, you can find our anticipated key changes on our updated FAQs.

In the meantime, we continue to receive and process Equity Release applications in readiness for when we are able to instruct Remote Valuations. Accounts that package applications and instruct valuations will need to continue to wait until the Remote Valuation service is set up before sending in applications.

We will provide a further update in the near future as we work through the systems changes and end-to-end delivery services required to support these positive changes in relation to Remote Valuation services.