The Government has announced that the NHS will cancel all elective and non-emergency procedures in NHS hospitals.

Any procedures or consultations for conditions which are not life threatening, or time-critical, will be cancelled. The Government has also recently announced an agreement between the NHS and private facilities which will see them reallocate much of their national capacity to support the NHS. This will help to meet the unprecedented demand for clinical care anticipated over the coming weeks and months.

We understand that you will be concerned how this might affect your business and your clients’ health insurance policies, so we’ve prepared these questions and answers to provide clarification.

New business

We cover this off in the Q&A Guide, but you can still submit and buy individual policies for your clients through our Broker portal. However, we have made the decision to temporarily pause new business quotes over the telephone, so as a short-term measure Health Insurance quotes are not currently available through Account Managers.

For SME, Large Corporate and Healthcare Trust schemes we will ensure all future contracts that have already been agreed will continue to be processed. However, we are currently paused for new quotes for this type of business, but we will consider Large Corporate and Healthcare Trust quotes on a selected basis.

Renewals for all our consumer and corporate healthcare products will continue as normal.

We deeply value the relationship we have with your business, and hope the attached Intermediary Q&A Guide, is helpful, which is accurate as of today. We appreciate that this is a fast-moving situation, and will keep the guide under review and update it with any relevant developments.

You can also download a copy of our Customer facing Q&A guide, which you can pass onto your clients as necessary. They can use this link to keep up to date with all the latest information as the situation develops. Again, this guide will be kept under review and updated as necessary.

Your clients can also access the guide from

About Aviva PLC’s financial position

We’ve been in this industry for over 300 years, so we’re well versed in weathering financial storms and crises. So we’ve applied all that experience to the current situation. We’re watching it closely, but as an organisation we’re financially strong. As of December 2019, we have a significant capital surplus of £12.6 billion.

What this means for our customers

This financial position, together with our business resilience and risk reduction strategies, means we’re very confident in our ability to keep meeting our commitments to our customers.

Need further help?

If you have any further questions, please speak with your usual Aviva contact.

Due to the switch to homeworking, our opening hours have been changed to 9.00am to 5.00pm – Monday to Friday. Our teams will continue to do their best to provide information and answer your questions as quickly as possible.