I can’t believe we’re well into November and Christmas is nearly upon us. It’s our last edition of the year and to make it extra special we have packed it full of things we think will interest you.

This month, we’re excited to share with you two new guides, one covering menopause and one giving you information about neurodiversity. Added to that, we’ll tell you about our latest one-month free offer for Solutions’ clients with Expert Select and our latest enhancement to our broker portal. Plus, we have a reminder about our Wellbeing Employer hubs.

We hope you and your clients enjoy this edition. Our aim with this newsletter is to give you the information you need, so if there’s anything specific you’d like us to cover in future editions, please get in touch.

While this is the last newsletter this year, we will be in touch next month to extend our best wishes for a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy November’s edition of Aviva Illuminate.