The Aviva Community Fund now open for entries, offering support and funding to causes that make a real difference where you live.

Enter a project idea on behalf of a local community group or charity, and they could win funding – from up to £1,000 right up to £25,000 – to bring it to life.

We reserve part of the funding especially for projects submitted by advisers. So even if you’ve entered in previous years, it’s well worth trying again.

Taking part is easy. Here’s how…

  1. Identify a project for a charity or community group that will have a positive impact.
  2. Enter it in the Aviva Community Fund. Head to our website –– to submit your project idea.
  3. Tell us what makes you most proud of your community project and why it’s worth supporting. Don’t be shy – your success may depend on your ability to sell your project idea to voters.
  4. Add photos and videos to paint a better picture for voters. The more they can visualise your project and the positive effect it will have, the more likely you are to rack up the votes.

Entries can come from all sorts of community groups and charities, big or small. To date we’ve provided funding for hundreds of projects across the UK, from motorbikes that deliver urgent blood supplies to a playground for disabled children, and many more besides.

For more information or to submit an entry, visit the Aviva Community Fund website now: