Income protection for mental health conditions 

Statistics show that 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health problem in the course of a year1. Stress is the most common mental health condition, with a third of people experiencing it, followed by anxiety and depression2. For those suffering with anxiety, over a quarter cited money as the main cause, with money worries also topping the list for those suffering with depression3.

The link between these conditions and money is particularly problematic. If your clients are stressed, anxious or depressed, what happens if it leaves them unable to work?

Protect+ income protection cover can replace a proportion of your client’s income if they are off work due to a mental health condition. The financial and emotional support it can provide means they’ll have one less thing to worry about so they can concentrate on getting better.

Visit our adviser site to find out more on how having a policy can help.

Income protection claims at a glance4

  • Mental health conditions accounted for 35% of claims during 2014, making them the main cause of an income protection claim
  • The average length of a claim was 8 years
  • The average age of a claimant was 45


Terms and conditions apply.


1Source: Mental Health Foundation, 2016

2Source: Aviva Health Check UK Report, Autumn 2015

3Source: Aviva Health Check UK Report, Autumn 2015

4Based on Friends Life claims in payment as at 31/12/2014