With more than 75% of our applications receiving an immediate decision on ALPS, we’re focussed on making it simple for you and your clients to get cover from Aviva. There are sometimes instances where we can’t process an application straight away, but we’re always looking for ways to make things easier.  In some circumstances we’d previously asked clients to complete an AMRA (Access to Medical Records Act form), which gives us consent to contact their GP, should we need any additional medical information. These AMRAs took an average of 14 days to be completed and returned to Aviva, before we could continue processing an application.

Reduced AMRA processing time

To help save time for you and your client, from Monday 12th March we’ve introduced a faster way for your clients to give authorisation to access their medical reports with our new e-AMRAs, cutting down processing time to just a few minutes.

The process is simple:

  1. If we need access to medical information, we’ll send an email directly to your client.2. Your client can view this on any device, providing consent with an e-signature and returning back to us. The signed consent is then sent securely back to us, saving you the hassle of sending paper forms or scanning in documents.3. You’ll be kept in the loop through ALPS business tracking which will notify you when we’ve requested an e-AMRA and when the signed e-form has been received.

    4. Once we’ve received the e-AMRA we’ll process as normal.

What do I need to do?

The introduction of e-AMRAs means you’ll no longer need to send us any paper or scanned AMRAs alongside your client applications. If we do need an AMRA we’ll be in touch with you and your client.

To make sure your clients can take advantage of our new, faster service, you just need to include the Life Assured’s personal email address on the initial application.

A more streamlined process

We’ve also taken this opportunity to streamline our AMRA forms, reducing them from 6 pages to 2 and introducing more straightforward, simple language.

This is one of a number of changes we have planned throughout the year to improve our ALPS platform and help make trading with Aviva simple and hassle free. And if there’s anything else you might want to see, we’d love to hear from you. Just email us at alpsfeedback@aviva.com