We’re writing to let you know that we recently reviewed our Private Medical Insurance (PMI) consumer deals and from 1 July 2020 our current ‘months free’ premium offer will end. So let’s move on and look to the future.

From the positive feedback we’ve received, we’re making our First Renewal Guarantee our leading offer to consumers, providing a richer and more sustainable offering overall. With the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, this offer gives your clients’ the security of a premium guarantee.

About our First Renewal Guarantee

To remind you, our guarantee means that if a customer doesn’t make a PMI claim that causes their No Claims Discount level to reduce at their first renewal, we won’t increase their premium in the next policy year.

The guarantee applies to customers taking out policies on new underwriting terms and to those who switch to an individual PMI policy from another insurer on continued underwriting terms.

You can find the full terms and conditions here.

We’ll be in touch

We’ll keep you posted with all new developments and deals as they become available.

If you have any questions about this, please get in touch with your usual Aviva contact.

Stay safe and strong.

The Aviva Health team